The Servant Leader Team at Calvary is called through God’s love, faith, mercy, and actions, and it is made up of officers and ten additional members elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting by active members of the congregation. They are elected by church membership for a term of one year. The ten additional members shall serve for no more than four consecutive terms on the Servant Leader Team before having to go off for at least one year.
Purpose – The Servant Leader Team (SLT) is responsible for the management of both spiritual and temporal affairs of the church, but subject to the authority of the membership of the church. It acts in all respects as the Board of Directors of this church and corporation. All matters pertaining to or affecting the work and policy of the church are subject to the supervision and direction of the SLT.
Background – Servant Leadership is a management philosophy which implies a comprehensive view of the quality of people, work and community spirit. It requires a spiritual understanding of identity, mission, vision and environment. A servant leader is someone who is a servant first, who has responsibility to be in the world, and so she/he contributes to the well-being of people and community.
Goal – The purpose of this ministry is to serve the Lord by helping people to meet their full potential in spirit, mind, and body. Prayer, ministry, and practicing the word of God are essential components of this ministry.
Meetings of the Servant Leader Team
Following the election of the Servant Leader Team, the Church Moderator calls the SLT together to organize the Standing Committees for the year. Members of the SLT may serve as Chairpersons of a Standing Committee or serve on a Standing Committee based on the individual’s experience, ability and time. The SLT hears reports and recommendations from the Standing Committees. Only members of the SLT are eligible to vote on the reports and recommendations of the Standing Committees.
Servant Leader Team Members
Officers: Wendy Fox, Moderator; Carol Hall-Walker, Clerk; Betty Cady, Treasurer
Members at Large: Darthula Mathews, Minister Archibald Yaidoo, Rick Robison, Martha Robison, Lawrence Goanbei, Gabby Kpawoe, and Rachel Bloe.
To learn more
If you are interested in joining Calvary Baptist Church or want to learn more about the Servant Leader Team, please contact the church office at 401-461-7507.